Installation Os


Do you want to run Java programs, do you want to develop Java programs, or do you want a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on a server? If you want to run Java programs, but not develop them, download the JRE. If you want to develop Java applications, download the Java Development Kit, or JDK. The JDK includes the JRE, so you do not have to download both separately. If you need the JRE on a server and do not want the ability to run RIAs, download the Java SE Server JRE. This version of the Java SE Server JRE does not include the Java plug-in or Java Web Start support, additional tools might be removed from future versions.

Anaconda is a package manager, an environment manager, and Python distribution that contains a collection of many open source packages. An installation of Anaconda comes with many packages such as numpy, scikit-learn, scipy, and pandas preinstalled and is also the recommended way to install Jupyter Notebooks.

We support the following platforms:

  1. Anaconda is a package manager, an environment manager, and Python distribution that contains a collection of many open source packages. An installation of Anaconda comes with many packages such as numpy, scikit-learn, scipy, and pandas preinstalled and is also the recommended way to install Jupyter Notebooks.
  2. Visit the forums. See if other users are experiencing similar download and installation problems by visiting the Reader user-to-user forum. Try posting your problem on the forums for interactive troubleshooting. When posting on forums, include your operating system and your product's version number.
  3. Learn how to use NiceHash OS Flash Tool to prepare your USB drive for NiceHash OS installation.NiceHash OS Flash Tool will automatically download the latest.

For supported processors and browsers, see Oracle JDK 7 and JRE 7 Supported Systems Configurations.

For a list of changes made to the JDK and JRE installers, see Installer Enhancements in JDK 7.

Oracle Solaris Operating System

  • JDK 7 Installation on the Oracle Solaris OS - both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • JRE 7 Installation on the Oracle Solaris OS - both 32-bit and 64-bit
  • Server JRE 7 Installation on the Oracle Solaris OS - 64-bit

In order to run Java applets within a browser, you must install the JRE plugin manually. This does not apply to the Server JRE.

Microsoft Windows

  • Windows System Requirements for JDK and JRE - Describes minimum processor, disk space, and memory requirements for the JDK and JRE for Microsoft Windows
  • JDK Installation for Microsoft Windows - Describes how to install the JDK on 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems
  • JRE Installation for Microsoft Windows - Describes how to install the JRE on 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems
  • Server JRE Installation for Microsoft Windows - Describes how to install the Server JRE on 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems
  • Online Installation and Java Update FAQ - Lists frequently asked questions for Windows online installation of the JRE as well as for Java Update
  • JRE Installer Options - Describes how to install the JRE silently through command-line options
  • Patch-in-Place and Static JRE Installation - Describes how to install the JRE in a patch-in-place or static configuration.
  • Java SE Runtime Environment Update Scenarios - Describes various scenarios to demonstrate the behavior of the JRE update process.
  • Autodownload Files - Lists various JRE releases and the .cab files that can be used for autodownloading them.


  • JDK 7 Installation on Linux Platforms - both 32-bit and 64-bit, including RPM
  • JRE 7 Installation on Linux Platforms - both 32-bit and 64-bit, including RPM
  • Server JRE 7 Installation on Linux Platforms - 64-bit

In order to run Java applets within a browser, you must install the JRE plugin manually. This does not apply to the Server JRE.


The installation of JRE and JDK of 7u6 or later require Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) or later.

Copyright © 1993, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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There are several possibilities to install ZNC on your machine. The latest version is always available using the source tarball from

A ChangeLog is available in the wiki.You can also read more about ZNC's portability.

Which way should I choose for installing ZNC?
If you don't have root access, the only way is to use source tarball. You'll need to use ./configure --prefix='$HOME/.local' as described.
If you have root access, you can use either source tarball or the convenient way for your distro. Check section about your distro for details, but be aware that these may contain old versions of ZNC!

Once you have installed ZNC, you can create a config file with znc --makeconf.

Development Versions[edit]

Read the git page if you want to get the current development version. Beware that this might have more bugs, more features, be a little unstable and eat your first born. You have been warned!

Source Tarball[edit]

Official source tarballs can be found here.

If you want to compile ZNC with OpenSSL support, you need the OpenSSL development package. On Debian/Ubuntu this is called libssl-dev, on CentOS/Fedora/Red Hat it's openssl-devel, and on openSUSE it's libopenssl-devel.A good way to install this and other dependencies is the build dependency feature of package managers (apt-get build-dep / yum-builddep / zypper source-install --build-deps-only).

  1. Download the latest source tarball
  2. tar -xzvf znc-1.8.2.tar.gz
  3. cd znc-1.8.2
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build
  6. cmake .
    (use cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='$HOME/.local' if you don't want a system wide installation or simply don't have root access; use cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/openssl if you have a non-standard SSL path)
    (use ccmake or cmake-gui to see other configure options)
  7. make
    (if you are on a dedicated server and your CPU has more than one core, you can use make -jX where X is the number of CPU cores to speed up compilation)
  8. make install

Please note that compiling can take 5-10 minutes or more.

Once you have installed znc, you can use znc --makeconf to make a configuration file for ZNC. This config is stored in ~/.znc under the user you run it as. You should create a dedicated non root user to run znc under.

ZNC is run by just executing znc under the dedicated znc user, at which stage it goes to background. It does not automatically make an init.d service for itself (which can be done by following the instructions to running ZNC as a system daemon) nor does it need to be run in screen or something similar.

See the FAQ page if you encounter problems.



ZNC is available as an image in Docker Hub, and can be downloaded with:

docker pull znc

Follow the link above for additional instructions.

If you want to test great new features (and bugs!), unstable ZNC image is here.


Debian provides ZNC packages which may be installed using (stretch/stable, buster/testing, sid)

Debian Jessie LTS backports

If you want to build znc from source to get a newer version than Debian provides, you may need the following packages:

Installation Os

You can use the command

to install build dependencies automatically. Note that sometimes these build-depedencies are outdated and won't work with the current version of ZNC.

Fedora/CentOS/Red Hat Enterprise Linux[edit]

Fedora has znc packaged in it's main repository and their Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository provides them for CentOS/RHEL.

If using RHEL install the EPEL repository by downloading the appropriate package linked on EPEL's website.

Once you have EPEL installed (or are on Fedora), execute:

or dnf

Once installed you can configure znc by running:

Then finally to start it you can run:

Build from Source: CentOS 7+ only[edit]

Installation Os

If you really wish to build from source, then please follow the instructions here, written by Thomas Ward. Note that these instructions do utilize the EPEL repository in order to get all the necessary build dependencies (and there's a lot of them). These instructions work properly to create a basic ZNC installation. CentOS 7 or newer is needed because of the C++ standards being used, and older CentOS not having the required compilers for those standards.


You can either build ZNC from source, or use a PPA that was made by a community member to contain pre-built ZNC packages for all supported Ubuntu releases. Note that the PPA does not contain packages for every Ubuntu release, and the support dates for various Ubuntu versions is detailed here. If the release of Ubuntu you are on is not supported on the PPA, you will have to compile it from source yourself.

Build From Source[edit]

Bootable flash drive mac. If you want to build znc from source to get a newer version than Ubuntu provides, you may need to determine capability of your system to build ZNC 1.6.0 (and newer) based on the version of Ubuntu.

Building from Git Master[edit]

If you are trying to use the Git master version of the source code, then you will also need to ensure the following packages are also installed. You will not need to install these if you are using a stable release tarball, only if you are using Git master:

After you have installed these packages, then continue onward for the additional dependencies you will need.

After installing dependencies, you will have to run to generate the configure script.

Add Build Dependency Sources[edit]
Ubuntu 14.04[edit]

If you are on Ubuntu 14.04, you will need to add one PPA to your system, with the following command:

Newer than Ubuntu 14.04[edit]

You will not need any additional PPAs or sources for build dependencies.

Other Build Dependencies[edit]

After verifying you have the required build dependency sources, you will need to install the following packages:

After you have done this, you can follow the instructions on this page for compiling from the source tarball.

Install via PPA[edit]

A Personal Package Archive (PPA) has been created by Thomas W., and contains the latest stable ZNC release as exists in Debian. It contains packages for all releases of Ubuntu that are currently supported. It does not contain packages for versions of Ubuntu that are past their end of life dates. Click here if you wish to see the details of the packages in the PPA.

The versions of ZNC currently available in the PPA are detailed on the repository's information page but will only receive updates for currently-supported, non End of Life Ubuntu Releases.

First, make sure you have the python-software-properties package installed:

Then, add the PPA to your sources, and update the apt information:

Installation Os Raspberry Pi 4

Then, install the znc packages:

ZNC is now installed. You can create the configuration normally with this, when run on the user that you want to run ZNC as:


ZNC is part of the official repositories. To install, use the YaST GUI or install via commandline by typing


Gentoo provides ZNC packages which may be installed using:

Several USE Flags can be used for znc: Macbook pro mid 2012 latest os x.

  • daemon (local): (not offically supported) Allow znc to run as a system-wide service. Installs an init script and creates a znc user:group.
  • debug (global): enable debug
  • ipv6 (global): adds support for ipv6
  • perl (global): adds support for writing perl modules
  • python (global): adds support for writing python 3 modules
  • ssl (global): enable secure socket layer connections
  • sasl (global): sasl support
  • tcl (global): adds support for writing tcl modules

Will print you a list of USE flags that will be used for znc


Alpine Linux[edit]

To install znc from the package manager, enter the following command:

If you want to build znc from source to get a newer version than Alpine provides, you need to install packages with the following command:

If you want to run git, Debugging, perl, (requires swig), python, (requires swig), tcl, or cyrus then install the packages that correspond:


ZNC is part of the archlinux package repository, and can be installed with the following:

Additionally you can install the following optional dependencies to add support for additional modules.

  • cyrus-sasl - saslauth module
  • perl - modperl module
  • python - modpython module
  • tcl - modtcl module


You can install the latest git snapshot from the Arch User Repository.


ZNC is in FreeBSD ports, just do:

Run windows on osx. LonelyScreen is a AirPlay receiver for Windows and MAC. It is like an Apple TV running on your desktop. You can cast anying from your iPhone or iPad to your computer screen just like a Apple TV.

or pkg_add

or pkgng

Mac OS X[edit]

There are two ways to install ZNC on OS X, either using a package manager such as Homebrew or installing it yourself from source. See this blog post for a tutorial on how to compile ZNC from source.

  • NOTE: If you are running on PPC architecture and cannot make the ./configure && make && sudo make install dance work, you'll want to do the following:
  1. Make sure that you're using the --disable-perl switch for configure. Hence: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-perl


Installing Homebrew[edit]

For more information about Homebrew see here. The following command will install Homebrew to /usr/local

Homebrew requires Xcode and Mac OS X >= 10.5

Installing znc with Homebrew[edit]

Installing znc with MacPorts[edit]

Microsoft Windows[edit]

Warning: If you're going to install ZNC on your local Windows machine, it will probably be useless. You should run it on some machine (Windows or not), which is connected to internet 24/7.


ZNC is available in list of cygwin packages.

Download Cygwin, install it. When choosing list of packages to install, search for 'znc'.

If you don't want to use the provided packages, you can compile ZNC from source; for that you'll need the following packages installed: automake, gcc-g++, libicu-devel, make, mpfr, pkg-config, openssl-devel, zlib-devel. After installing these packages proceed to source tarball section (or git)

Installation Osmc


After ensuring that WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) itself works, follow the Linux instructions above.

Installation Os Mac

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